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4 beliefs that set Evangelicals apart from other Christians

4 beliefs that set Evangelicals apart from other Christians

1. They are “born again” or “saved”

They point to a specific, personal conversion experience in which they
must personally trust in Jesus Christ for salvation."

2. The Bible is seen as the inspiration

Evangelical Christians believe in the Bible as God's inspired Word to humankind and that it is the final authority for Christians. In today’s evangelical churches, there is often a significant emphasis on spreading the gospel through mission work globally and domestically.

3. Jesus is at the centre of salvation

Evangelicals believe the work of Jesus on the cross, through his death and resurrection, is the only source of salvation and forgiveness of sins. Evangelists believe that salvation is through faith alone. People can do nothing to earn their way to heaven. Believers do "good works “in grateful response to their pardon, not to cause it.

4. Rapture in the end times

Most, though not all, evangelicals believe that believers will join Christ and leave the non-believers on earth.

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