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Why you should not drink and drive

Why you should not drink and drive

Your abilities become impaired

Alcohol slows down a person’s reaction time, which makes it difficult for you to respond appropriately to driving hazards while drunk. If you get into an accident, you could spend time in jail and get a hefty fine. No amount of coffee or water will help you pass a breathalyzer.

It's not just you

It’s easy to disregard your safety, but not that of another. Staying off the roads while you are drunk is essential to not only keeping yourself safe but also keeping the people around you safe. Could you ever forgive yourself if you injured or worse killed another person? 

It’s risky

Drinking and driving have long-lasting effects that can impact your future. It will stay on your record for several years, costing you not only a but possibly the loss of your license. You could potentially lose your job as well.


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