A 3 day workshop for coaches, consultants and independent professionals to grow their client base, grow their revenue and systemise their practices.
http://www.launchyourpractice.bizHave extensive knowledge, with at least 10 years experience in the industry and are totally committed to finding the right speaker for your event. We are there as professionals to make your job easier and your event a success.
http://www.speakerpartnership.comLeadership makes the difference. It works! It gets your life moving and your organisation working.
http://www.leadershipworks.co.zaTraining in Leather
http://www.leatheracademy.co.zaJohannesburg and Moz Events
http://www.lifeshops.co.zaDesigned to help you find and kindle the inner spiritual fire to transform your life completely.
http://www.lifesync.co.zaThe mission of the Listen and Grow series is to package information that helps you ‘upgrade to the best version of you’ in an accessible format.
http://www.listenandgrow.co.zaSelf-help centre and workshops for teenagers.
http://www.litelife.webs.comConference on language and literacy in local and global settings, taking place at UCT in 2001.
http://www.ched.uct.ac.za/literacy/Designed to expand and deepen the joys a couple share together whether they've been married for a short time or for many years.