Full school curriculum - home school resource.
http://www.brainline.co.za/redo/Tips and resources for Christian homeschooling in South Africa.
http://www.homeschool.co.zaPublishers of Home Schooling products.
http://www.clonard.co.zaLessons and sport coaching, Pretoria.
http://www.extra-classes.co.zaBelieving that it takes a community to raise a child, The Heritage School aims to provide high quality education.
http://www.heritageschool.co.zaResources in South Africa
http://www.grobler.co.za/hs-adr.htmHome Schooling Resources in South Africa.
http://www.grobler.co.za/hsThe choice to homeschool is not only about schooling - it's a choice to live and learn about life!
http://www.homeschool-curriculum-for-life.com/index.htmlHomescooler community in the Helderberg with support groups - Cape Town unschooling and homeschooling.
http://www.geocities.com/i2b4u2c007/A South African supplier of pre-school & home schooling resources and curricula.