A detailed look at everything the school is about, situated just north of Richards Bay/Empangeni on the KwaZulu-Natal North Coast.
http://www.grantleigh.co.zaThe independent school for your child in Harrismith.
http://www.harriston.co.zaMet sy trotse en tradisieryke verlede het Hentie Cilliers hom nie net as een van die top skole in die Vrystaat gevestig nie, maar inderdaad as een van die top skole in die land.
http://henties.tripod.comIn die Vrystaat in Virginia, naby Welkom. Henties streef na net die beste.
http://www.hentiecilliers.co.zaChristian education and Christian school in Cape Town.
http://www.heritagecollege.co.zaAn independent, interdenominational Christian primary school in Hillcrest, KZN.
http://www.hps.co.zaWe develop academic, cultural and sporting excellence and provide an environment which encourages the growth of spiritual and social values.
http://www.hhs.co.zaSenior Boys Private School situated in the Midlands of Natal
http://www.hilton.kzn.school.zaAmptelike webbladsy van Hoërskool Robertson.
http://www.hsrobertson.wcape.school.za'n Afrikaanse skool op 'n plaas 5 km buite Brits in die Noordwes.