A distinguished company that provides research, governance, transformation strategies and solutions.
http://www.agtsa.co.zaOfficial website for South Africa's hosting of the inaugural Summit of the African Union, June - July 2002.
http://www.au2002.gov.zaAFSA, a section 21 company founded by the legal and accounting professions and organised business, provides arbitration and mediation services, training and facilities.
http://www.arbitration.co.zaOur mission is to provide an outstanding investigative/consultative/intelligence-gathering service by anticipating and satisfying of our clients.
http://www.assesstherisk.comAs a body of independent practitioners, the General Council of the Bar is committed to providing specialised legal representation, at fair fees.
http://www.sabar.co.zaOffering SA business legitimate and authentic broad based empowerment while creating an endowment to educate financially disadvantaged South Africans.
http://www.cidafund.co.zaCollective Alliance Plus is a professional union. Its a conscious movement aimed at creating viable opportunities for its members whether employed or
http://www.collectiveaplus.org.zaA society free from gender opression and inequality.
http://www.cge.org.za/A guide to SA competition law and processes - A new struggle.
http://www.comphelp.co.zaThis is the official website of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference Parliamentary Liaison Office.