We offer a range of Sexual and Reproductive Health services for men and women and provides counselling for women with unwanted pregnancies and abortions
http://www.safersex.co.zaDown syndrome association.
http://www.downsyndromepretoria.co.zaDr Ajesh Maharaj is a Rheumatologist Practicing at Westville Hospital in Durban, South Africa.
http://www.durbanrheumatologist.co.zaHe provides expert urologic assessment, diagnosis, treatment and follow up.
http://www.urologycapetown.co.zaSouth African medical practitioner based in Soshanguve and Mabopane.
http://www.drkrntoane.co.zaEye Specialist
http://www.eyedoctkeulder.co.zaA registered secondary care facility for substance abusers.
http://www.drugedu.co.zaResource details the symptoms of dyslexia, including the possible effects of this disorder on math and handwriting.
http://dyslexia-symptoms.learninginfo.orgAssociation for Cerebral Palsy
http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/2062A natural product used for treatment of burns, skin disorders, arthritic pain, inflamed joints and muscular aches.