Exclusive concrete pots and accessories in durable complementary finishes.
http://www.jumbopots.comOffers a wide variety of succulent plants, specializing in Haworthia, Gasteria, Stapeliads and many others.
http://www.kambroo.co.zaProfessional garden design, instant lawn and rubble removal.
http://www.kimko.co.zaVir die verkoop van meer as 10 000 sade en plante van regoor die wêreld.
http://www.kpr.eu/afAgents for all well known garden machinery.
http://www.lawnmowerranch.co.zaRepresenting garden designers, landscapers, landscape architects, irrigation and water feature specialists.
http://www.lgda.co.zaBonsai nursery.
http://bonsaisa.co.zaA wholesale Bonsai nursery. We supply to chainstores, large corporates, nurseries, conference organisers and promotional gift companies..
http://www.bonsaisa.co.zaGardening in South Africa.
http://www.mundawanga.co.zaColourful, informative catalogue of a large variety of orchid hybrids and species. Picture gallery, culture notes and ordering info.