A complete database driven client-side application for all your SMS needs - full two way communication, Best SMS solution by far.
http://www.remotesms.co.zaCellular phone rentals from South Africa's leading cellular network Vodafone. Hire in Cape Town, Johannesburg or Durban, book on line.
http://www.rentafone.netCellular and playstation repairs and mods.
http://www.fixacell.co.zaOn-line shop for GSM/GPRS modems and modules.
http://www.rfdesign.co.zaTop source for South Africa ringtones and mobile content.
http://www.ringtones.co.zaSouth African website for mobile phone content (ringtones, wallpapers, games).
http://www.ringtones-cell.comRobtronics are an authorised Motorola repair centre based in Kramerville.
http://www.robtronics.co.zaValue added telephony services.
http://www.valutel.co.zaGSM based telecommunication SMS systems.
http://www.sabercom.co.zaA fiber optic cable providing high capacity bandwidth to South Africa for internet service providers via IRU and IPLC.